Sunday, September 14, 2008

Summer Pics

After Lee and Gaye left this morning I was trying to figure out a good way to post all of our pics from Labor Day weekend. Don't mind the e-mail address--I created with the intent that we will use it to share baby news-and the name ChrisLauren was taken already.

Here are the best of our pics from the weekend!

20 Weeks Along!

Well....we have passed the 20 week mark and are anxiously anticipating all that the next 20 weeks will bring. This blog will not really have a whole lot of content until after the big D-Day (Chris doesn't like that I call it that and prefers the less innocuous B-Day) But the baby has finally come out of hiding! We also thought we would include the first picture of the little has Lauren's nose!

Starting Out-

Here we are, there are actually 4 of us in this picture-the baby is still hiding. It is only about 12 weeks old here so I suppose it is okay if it decides to hide for a little while longer. This blog will give us a place to post all sorts of exciting news over the next few months. Bear with us, the baby pics are still a long way off!